THE U-Pick GARDEN will be closing August 20th. This will be the last year the garden will be open to the public. Next year I'll be operating as a CSA, supplying about 20 regular customers with weekly boxes. Thank you for your support over the last 8 years, but it's time to try something new.

To get a copy of my book, "How To Grow Vegetables In Sitka, Alaska" just give me a call....The books are $20 plus tax. If you live out of town and want me to mail you a copy, you can mail a check for $25.60 to:

Lori Adams
P O Box 6021
Sitka, Alaska

Down To Earth U-Pick Garden is located at 2103 Sawmill Creek Road in Sitka, Alaska. It is open usually from mid-June through late August. Hours are Monday-Saturday 12:00 to 6:30. On Farmer's Market Saturdays I am not open until 2:00. Children are welcome but may not run through the garden or chase the ducks. If you have any questions you can contact me, Lori Adams, at 907-747-6108 or 907-738-2241. My email address is

Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm Mad At The Dog

When Lucy was younger she was an excellent guard dog.  She hardly ever barked and if she did it was for a reason, and we could usually tell what she was barking about by the way she was barking.  One bark ofr a bear, one bark for a deer, one bark for a garden customer that had arrived on their bike and another bark for anything strange like ducks outside the fence.  Now that she is older she barks more often and we can't always tell why she's barking.

photo courtesy of Ben Adams Photography

This morning....early, early in the morning I might add.....she started to bark and wouldn't stop no matter how many times we told her to stop.  We didn't want the neighbors to get mad so we brought her into the house, in our bedroom.  But that wasn't enough....she kept "woofing" off and on for some time after that. Eventually she settled down and we were able to go back to sleep.  

Today she was still worked up about something and would have barking spells.  She escaped by slipping out of her collar TWICE!!  Fortunately I found out both times before she took off.  And then, when I took her for a walk later this afternoon she kept pushing against me while we were walking.....what is her problem!?!?!  Is there really a bear out there in the woods or is she just getting senile?

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