THE U-Pick GARDEN will be closing August 20th. This will be the last year the garden will be open to the public. Next year I'll be operating as a CSA, supplying about 20 regular customers with weekly boxes. Thank you for your support over the last 8 years, but it's time to try something new.

To get a copy of my book, "How To Grow Vegetables In Sitka, Alaska" just give me a call....The books are $20 plus tax. If you live out of town and want me to mail you a copy, you can mail a check for $25.60 to:

Lori Adams
P O Box 6021
Sitka, Alaska

Down To Earth U-Pick Garden is located at 2103 Sawmill Creek Road in Sitka, Alaska. It is open usually from mid-June through late August. Hours are Monday-Saturday 12:00 to 6:30. On Farmer's Market Saturdays I am not open until 2:00. Children are welcome but may not run through the garden or chase the ducks. If you have any questions you can contact me, Lori Adams, at 907-747-6108 or 907-738-2241. My email address is

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fresh Spinach

I had fresh Spinach from the garden really! .......I't's true!!!!

It's transplanting time....

All the seedlings are getting tall and leggy, and they're just screaming at me to put them me....they are....I even hear them in my sleep.

So yesterday, I transplanted the Lettuce and the's a very labor intensive job. As I was planting the spinach I was tidying them off by removing the cotyledons.


 noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)

(Top) Monocotyledon (internal structures of a corn seed with stages of germination). Nutrients are …—© Merriam-Webster Inc.
Seed leaf within the embryo of a seed that provides energy and nutrients for the developing seedling. After the first true leaves have formed, they wither and fall off. Flowering plants whose embryos have a single cotyledon are grouped as monocots, or monocotyledonous plants; embryos with two cotyledons are grouped as dicots, or dicotyledonous plants. Unlike flowering plants,gymnosperms usually have several cotyledons rather than one or two.

It's very difficult to pinch off those tiny leaves when you have gloves on...I was afraid of breaking the fragile plants in half...but then I got a great idea.....

Just EAT them off!!!!! It worked great.....and they were SO YUMMY!!!  The first fresh spinach of the season!!!

I'm going to need more pants..........


  1. Other then you wanted the claim of being the first to eat fresh spinach, why do you bother taking them off? I want to get things planted as quickly as possible! :)

    1. They interfere with the actual transplanting process......I like to keep as much of the foliage as possible from touching the soil. They are just going to die anyways and look bad....and I can bury the seedling a little deeper if necessary. I don't do it to all of them.....just the long, stringy ones that are definitely going to be in the way
