Things do not always go according to my plans...first, my little egg fridge quit working, so I had to go to Spenards and buy a new one. I think I will really like this one though, it is bigger so I can store other things in it too like my sparkling water and seeds. Now when I get thirsty I don't have to drag my garden dirt through the house to get a drink. Don't tell anyone, but it also has a tiny freezer in it- so I can hide icecream bars from the rest of my family!
Secondly, the dog got my extra large seed potato and started eating it! I saved it, but it looks bad...
On a good note, yesterday I planted the last of the seeds that I needed to start in March. Cutting it close aren't I? There must be 300 sunflowers planted! I may be crazy.
Its going to be colorful up there this summer!! I cant wait for all the sunflowers to be in bloom.