THE U-Pick GARDEN will be closing August 20th. This will be the last year the garden will be open to the public. Next year I'll be operating as a CSA, supplying about 20 regular customers with weekly boxes. Thank you for your support over the last 8 years, but it's time to try something new.

To get a copy of my book, "How To Grow Vegetables In Sitka, Alaska" just give me a call....The books are $20 plus tax. If you live out of town and want me to mail you a copy, you can mail a check for $25.60 to:

Lori Adams
P O Box 6021
Sitka, Alaska

Down To Earth U-Pick Garden is located at 2103 Sawmill Creek Road in Sitka, Alaska. It is open usually from mid-June through late August. Hours are Monday-Saturday 12:00 to 6:30. On Farmer's Market Saturdays I am not open until 2:00. Children are welcome but may not run through the garden or chase the ducks. If you have any questions you can contact me, Lori Adams, at 907-747-6108 or 907-738-2241. My email address is

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Few Random Things

The other day while I was out working in the garden, Connie came over and did my dishes, washed the eggs, and cleaned the kitchen..........wasn't that just the nicest thing?  Never underestimate the power of a good meant SO much to me! Thanks, Connie!

photo from 2012

Levi made a really HUGE wooden hammer in wood shop....

My friend that has the really cool greenhouse also has the COOLEST chicken and duck hutches you will ever see......Hobbit Houses!

Ben gave me this monkey planter......I call him "Pepper-Head" or "Basil Head" depending on what I plant..

I think we underestimate how tough seedlings least tomato seedlings. I culled a few tomato starts and set them on the floor 3 weeks ago. They have not been watered and are bone dry. But look at them! They are totally fine... they aren't as big as the good ones, but they aren't dead either.

On dry days the ducks eat alot of food at night, but on rainy days they hardly eat any. I think the worms and slugs are moving around more when it's raining.

And, just because it's such a fun photo.....Here is Levi with his adorable prom date, Celia....

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