1. What do you think of Ben's Easter Basket this year?
2. Lucy thinks she needs to be in Ben's room most of the time now.....this time she had FOMO (Fear of missing out).
3. The Ravens absolutely destroyed the lawn at the Post Office. Or did they actually help it by thatching it?
4. I recently scored big-time at a garage sale by finding these fenceposts....102 of them!
5. Everything is planted....it's been sunshining for weeks....now I need to mulch everything with seaweed so I will be ready for opening day, which is tentatively looking like June 22.
6. I made this lap quilt for my Mom for Mother's Day and had it machine quilted by a good friend of mine. It wasn't until after I sent it to her that I happened to be looking at this photo of it and I saw the mistake.....how embarrassing.
7. One of my neighbors wanted to buy some of my flowers for his mother for Mother's Day. He wanted to pay me extra if I would pick them for him and he would come by and pick them up later. I started picking and then I picked some more, and then I grabbed a basket and then he ended up with this.....It turned out so cute!!!!
8. I have a "thing" for old license plates and have collected a small stash of them which have been hanging in the garage.

Recently I decided that it would be nice to have them out where I could see them more often, so I hung them on the beam behind my truck.
9. These Tulips were amazing this year!!
10. If you disturb the dirt anywhere.....the ducks are sure to follow.
I've only seen 4 slugs so far this season. Good job, team!