But it's not all about the planting....there are lots of other things that need to be done to keep this farm running. Here are just a few:
Moving the Pea Tunnel for crop rotation purposes.
The black zip ties hold each concrete reinforcement wire section to a rebar arch, and the white zipties hold each of the units together. Cut the white zip ties, move the sections, and rezip tie.
Maintaining the duck fence. This section was too low...
So I added another section....
And tied them together.
Try to get out of that!
These 2x4 blocks that were supporting the big beams alongside the house in the garden were rotting away.
So new ones needed to be built.
An easy, but boring project.
But hey, I got to use a hydraulic jack for the first time.
It's so cool....I came up with all sorts of other things I could use it for in the house, but the jack is so heavy I didn't feel like hauling it around.
All of the beds needed to be tilled and prepped for planting. I had lots of helpers for that job.
While tilling up last year's carrot bed I found a bunch more carrots!
And they were just as sweet and delicious as ever!
Of course all of the starts in the Sunroom needed to be continuously cared for.

This Spring has been so gloomy that all of my starts are very weak and spindly. Very sad.....but I'm hoping for the best. With a little sunshine they should snap out of it.
Of course, Kitty needed to be shaved. Here he is on the chopping block, awaiting his inevitable demise.
That's better!
Of course, most of my projects had to be done in the rain.....it just won't stop raining!
Mr. Adams has been busy too, getting the boat ready for the Spring hunting season.
One of his biggest projects was putting a bulbous bow on the boat. For those of you who do not know what a bulbous bow is....
A "building" was required for this project.
And Gerald Gangle, our local fiberglass expert, was hired to make sure the job was done properly.
And while he was doing that, Mr. Adams was attending to all of the other things that need to be done at haulout time.
Here are the guys with the finished project. It's a thing of beauty....
It's a beautiful thing!
He's handy like that.
A lot of long, hard hours have been put into these projects....I think we both could use a vacation.