Hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't drop off something for me.....pots, manure, fencing, jars, plants....to name a few more. Here's a notebook that my friend, Paula made for me....
And here is a great book that my friend, Karen gave me for my 50th birthday....
I read it throughout the Summer.

It had great illustrations in it...
One day I came in from working out in the garden to find THIS on my kitchen island...
A little glass ball to say "Thankyou" for some flowers that I contributed to a wedding. That was a fun surprise!
One day in June when I was working up a sweat in the garden, my good friend Pam brought me this green smoothie and this beautiful card.....just because!

And just this past month a couple stopped by to ask if I wanted 4 chickens. I said I wasn't really set up for chickens, but if they didn't mind if I ate them I'd gladly take them off their hands. They didn't mind, and now there are 4 stewing hens in the freezer! "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"
But probably my favorite gift of the year came from Amy Danielson. She was recently shopping at the Junk Trunk, digging through boxes, looking for hats for a play, when she ran across these....
THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!! My long, lost mittens!!!!!
Can you believe it!?!?! Someone must have found them and then didn't want them...or "found" them and realized that they couldn't wear them now that everyone was looking for them....And the Junk Trunk only charged $2.00 for them!! I'm SO happy to have them back, I don't care how they got there, and they are in perfect condition - if you don't count that they smell funny.
What a great gift!